Education Verification

Education Verification verifies attendance dates, majors, and degrees earned for any high school, college, university, or vocational school in the U.S. Each Education Verification covers a single school.  Some educational institutions charge an access fee and that is passed on directly to clients at no additional mark-up.

How It Works

Each Education Verification confirms the details of one degree or certificate at one institution by contacting the school specified by phone up to three times over three business days. Most degrees or certificates are verified by the institution’s Admissions and Records Office or Registrar. Some educational institutions use third-party verification services. Delays can occur if schools are closed during holidays and between terms.  Education Verifications don’t reveal a candidate’s entire academic history, or provide transcripts or recommendations.


In the case of an alert, an additional panel will show up in the education verification tab, showing employers what information ScoutLogic attempted, but was unable to verify.

Education Verification alerts are typically triggered for the following reasons:

  1. The candidate-reported dates of enrollment show a discrepancy of more than one semester/three months from verified dates.
  2. The candidate-reported degree differs from the verified degree (Master's vs. Bachelor's, etc).
  3. The candidate claims a degree but the school will only confirm enrollment.
  4. The candidate claims a degree but the school can only confirm that the candidate is working toward the degree.
  5. The candidate-reported major differs from the verified major.

Discrepancies in Education Verifications are common, whether intentional or unintentional from the candidate's end, and several studies have shown that education is the most lied about part of a resume. ScoutLogic recommends that employers verify each educational institution on their candidates' resumes.